Sunday, 2 February 2014


If you think we're not going to tell you to vote (or encourage someone old enough to vote), you're crazy.Voting is a basic civic right and an important responsibility in the development of a prosperous and responsible democratic nation.  We as citizens of India cannot complain and hold others responsible for any wrongdoings if we do not participate in the democratic process – the first step of which is to vote.  This initiative aims to remove the apathy that has seeped into our social fabric and make individuals realize the importance of their vote.  The primary reason for individuals not registering and voting are (a) registration process is complicated and time consuming and (b) non-voters believe that their vote will not make a difference.  We aim to remove such obstacles and myths and thereby improve the democratic fabric of our country.

Voting is important for more than just reasons but we've narrowed it down to our favorites. You should vote because:

1.Voting is a way to speak your mind and let your voice be heard!.. Your vote is your voice. When we vote, we actually telling elected officials and law makers how we feel about education,public safety,social security,health care, and other important issues.
 2.If you don’t exercise the right to vote, you’ll be a hypocrite when you complain about politics (this includes healthcare and financial aid).
3. You vote for your favorite TV show, non-profit org, & sports team all the time.(Vote for andy,remember BIG BOSS7)
4. Whether you're from the The Rent is too D@#^ High Party or the Tea Party you live in a country where every voice can be heard. Exercise your right.
5. Politicians decide our financial future – how much government support we'll get for college tuition, how many jobs will be available, and who will pay more taxes.
6.ONE VOICE,ONE VOTE REALLY COUNTS! REMEMBER, there is power in number, and when we vote and get our family members to vote, we can truly make a difference. If  you don't vote for what you believe in, others will and you may not like the outcome.


 Only 30% of voters  go to the polls. If you go, that will make you cooler than 2/3 of the population. Not that you weren't cool already...
7. We need more sane people on the news. Reporters might be interviewing people at the polls, and right now, no matter your political party, it seems like the news only shows the most extreme protesters and activists. This is your chance to represent the sane.
8. Your grandparents will vote, and they’ll cast their ballots based on social security and Medicare. Are you gonna let Grandma out-do you?
9. When guys turn 18, they have to register.If you’re expected to defend your country, you should have a say about how it is run.
10. You need to beat out the single-issue voters. Seriously, some people only vote based on who supports one issue, kind of like how tweenh girls dominate the votes for the American Idol who they think is the cutest (i.e. Kris Allen).
11. Our children are depending on us to represent their voices too!!..YES!, it is true. becoz, our children cannot vote,we have to do it for them. That's how we make our concerns about schools,safety,housing another issues heard.When we vote, we actually looking out for our kids and their future,
12. VOTING changes communities! Do you ever wonder why one neighbourhood gets passed over for things it needs, while another seems to get it all!!.. ONE BIG REASON IS VOTING. When we vote, we can get results that we actually see.
13. VOTE TO EFFECT CHANGE.!! It was through that we voted in officials who were champions for civil rights. Voting is our chance to make the difference in our own lives and within the world.
14.BELIEVE IT OR NOT, VOTING IS A WAY OF HONOURING OUR HISTORY!!.. as long as our country existed, there have been people who donot want us to vote. There are several freedom frighters that stood up for the right to vote. Well, those times may seem ancient but there are still people today who donot want us to vote. Its now our turn to stand up and vote to preserve the honor of those wo went before us.
15. LAST BUT NOT LEAST, BECAUSE IT GIVE YOU CREDIBILITY.!!.. Often times, we voice our concerns to elected officials. but if we aren't voting, our concern may matter at at to them. Voting can actually give you the credibility to make your concerns a top priority for legislators.
16. There are worse ways to spend  10 minutes.
What can you do?
Vote. Duh.and encourage others to vote

With all this talk of voting you might ask why you should bother to vote at all? Does your vote actually mean anything?
Many call voting a "sacred right," and it is one of the most important parts of our political system, a part that goes back to our earliest days as a nation.
When he left the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Ben Franklin is said to have told a local citizen that the founders had given the nation a Republic, if we could keep it.
By that, Franklin meant that as Americans it is our duty to keep up on what is going on politically, that we should arrive at an informed, logical position about what political ideas we support, and finally that we should be sure and vote our conscience on Election Day.
Many today complain about politicians not listening to the public. Of course, if we do not bother to vote our voice will not be heard by our elected officials in the first place. Our elected representatives are guided by what we say particularly when we vote. And if we don't vote we are telling our politicians that we don't care what they do and that is a dangerous thing to tell them.

If you want change, your first duty is to vote your conscience.

It gives you a say on important issues that affect you
 – everything from roads and recycling in your area, to education and climate change – You may think you don’t want to vote now, but if an issue comes up that you want to have your say on, if you’re on the register you’ll have the chance to vote on it. Remember, registering to vote doesn’t mean you have to, it just means you can if you want to.

donot just sit and complain,.. ITS TIME TO GO OUT AND VOTE!!.